Best Management Practices (BMPs) are recommended voluntary practices undertaken to reduce water consumption and protect water resources and the natural environment. There are BMPs for residential, business, agricultural, commercial and industrial applications.
Implementation of any BMPs by water providers and/or non-provider municipalities should be based on the implementing body’s analysis of the costs and benefits of implementation for their service area.
- Residential & Business BMPs
- Retrofitting with low-volume plumbing fixtures and devices
- Managing landscape irrigation
- Implementing conservation water rate structures
- Providing educational programs
- Using leak detection practices
- Implementing Xeriscape principles
- Commercial & Industrial BMPs
- Conducting water use audits
- Reading water meters regularly
- Inspecting and repairing boiler systems
- Recycling water in cooling towers for water reuse
- Replacing or retrofitting systems
- Commercial & Institution BMPs
- Retrofitting/Replacing commercial laundries
- Installing water reclamation systems for car washes
- Installing water efficient systems for commercial kitchens
- Using water efficient practices for swimming pools
GreenCO Best Management Practices
The Green Industries of Colorado (GreenCO) is an umbrella trade organization representing the common interests of nine landscape-related trades. GreenCO’s Best Management Practices include a variety of design, installation and maintenance/operation tools and practices that support water conservation and quality within the green industry. Appropriateness of the BMPs may vary depending on site-specific and regional conditions. Most of the BMPs in the manual are relevant to both water efficiency and natural resources protection and enhancement. (GreenCO’s BMP manual also is available en español.)
Colorado Statewide Water Conservation Best Practices Guidebook
The Best Practice (BP) Guidebook was developed with funds from the CWCB’s Water Efficiency Grant Program through a grant awarded to Colorado WaterWise. The guidebook includes a set of water conservation best practices to assist urban water providers with the selection and implementation of effective water conservation programs and measures.
Municipal Water Efficiency Plan Guidance Document
Top 5 Ways to Save Water In & Around Your Home
1. Stop leaks
2. Replace old toilets
3. Replace old washing machines
4. Plant the right plants
5. Water only what your plants need