Colorado Healthy Rivers Fund

About the CO Healthy Rivers Fund

Established jointly by the Colorado Water Conservation Board and the Water Quality Control Commission, in cooperation with the Colorado Watershed Assembly, the Program grants money to local watershed organizations in their efforts to provide clean water, protect habitat, and improve recreation and accessibility throughout our State.


Point of Contact

Chris Sturm
303-866-3441 x3236

Application Deadline

Please contact the Colorado Watershed Assembly for application information and deadlines.

Frequently Asked Questions


Eligible applicants include locally-based watershed protection groups who are committed to a collaborative approach to the restoration and protection of lands and natural resources within Colorado’s watersheds.

Two categories of grants are available under the Program:  Project Grants: For projects that promote the improvement and/or protection of the condition of the watershed. Includes: water quality and/or water quantity monitoring; participation in the development and/or implementation of total maximum daily loads (TMDLs); implementation of watershed-related best management practices; flood protection; channel stability; and a wide variety of other riparian, streambank and habitat restoration efforts.  Planning Grants: For the planning of successful watershed restoration or protection projects. Includes: data collection and assessment; analysis of project alternatives; project permitting; acquisition of funding for a project; and outreach efforts to ensure the education, involvement and support of the local community.
Interested parties can find grant guideline information, the grant submission format and learn more about the Colorado Healthy Rivers Fund Grant Program by visiting the Colorado Watershed Assembly website.

Example Projects

Coming soon!