Flood Preparedness & Response

The CWCB provides leadership to assist in the preparation for and recovery from major flood events in Colorado, including coordination of federal, state and local resources through the Colorado Flood Task Force; dissemination of flood-related information; documentation of flood damages and flooded areas; mapping and re-mapping of regulatory flood-prone boundaries based on the best available information; and technical guidance and financial support to communities on a case by case basis.  Be FloodSmart.

Did You Know?

Flood response actions (e.g. flood warnings, evacuations, sandbagging, flood rescues, etc.) are handled at the local level through appropriate emergency management, fire and rescue, and law enforcement agencies.

To learn more about your community's disaster plans or register to receive emergency alerts, please contact your local emergency manager from the list located HERE.


Technical Assistance & Grants

The CWCB staff provides expertise with pre- and post-flood mitigation efforts. The CWCB is capable of offering technical assistance to support community or multi-sponsor plans and projects aimed at reducing flood losses. This includes technical guidance for near- and long-term decision making as a result of emergency flood conditions.

A limited amount of funds also are available most years from the CWCB to assist local governments with flood assessment, feasibility, design and planning needs. These funds are intended to assist local governments who are expected to provide a significant cost share toward final products. With limited exceptions, these funds are not to be used to help fund construction.

These funds are awarded to requesting local governments on a case-by-case basis, based on the amount of funds available in any particular year and the amount of money requested. Not all requests will be funded, but consideration will be given to all requests.

For more information about this program or to make a request for financial assistance, please contact Kevin Houck at 303-866-3441 x3219.

Flood Hazard Mitigation Grants