HB1051 Reporting Tool

**1051 Reporting Portal Update**

The CWCB revamped the 1051 database to make it more accessible and user friendly for everyone. To access the new portal, please visit our Registration page, select HB1051, and follow the instructions to complete the registration request process. Once your registration request is processed, you will receive an email with instructions outlining how to set up your account and access the portal. Please note that processing the registration request can take up to 4 business days. The submission date is June 30th for submission of your prior calendar year data. See the Revised Guidelines for additional information.

Looking for data? Data from the HB1051 reporting can be found on our Public Reports page.

Already have an account? You can access the Portal here.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact Sam.Stein@state.co.us or Kevin.reidy@state.co.us.


In 2010, the Colorado General Assembly adopted HB10-1051 which requires covered entities (retail water providers who sell 2,000 acre feet or more of water annually) to report, on an annual basis, water use and conservation data to be used for statewide water supply planning. The bill directed the CWCB to adopt guidelines regarding the reporting of water use and conservation data by covered entities (Guidelines), and to report to the legislature regarding the Guidelines. HB10-1051 directed the CWCB to develop reporting Guidelines through a public participation process that included outreach to stakeholders from water providers with geographic and demographic diversity, nongovernmental organizations, and water conservation professionals. The reporting Guidelines include clear descriptions of customer categories, uses, and measurements; how the Guidelines will be implemented; and how data will be reported to the Board.


Statewide water supply planning efforts, such as the Statewide Water Supply Initiative (SWSI), which utilizes future statewide water demand projections with-and-without various levels of municipal and industrial water conservation, rely on statewide water use and water conservation data. Data reported under HB10-1051 will further support statewide water supply planning efforts by improving the quantity and quality of data available and improving consistency in the data reporting.

Point of Contact

Sam Stein

Point of Contact

Kevin Reidy