Water Supply Reserve Fund Grants

The Water Supply Reserve Fund (WSRF) Grant Program provides funding to assist Colorado water users in addressing their critical water supply issues and interests. The funds help eligible entities complete water activities, which may include competitive grants for: ­

  • Technical assistance regarding permitting, feasibility studies and environmental compliance
  • Studies or analysis of structural, nonstructural, consumptive and nonconsumptive water needs, projects or activities ­
  • Design of structural projects or activities
  • Infrastructure replacement or maintenance projects

Requests for funds from the WSRF program must be approved by at least one of Colorado’s nine basin roundtables prior to submitting an application. The request is then forwarded to the CWCB to evaluate and make final funding decisions. 

Grants may be coupled with any low-interest loan to make up funding needs. 

Please Note: Basin requests that include a Statewide Account request can be made while Statewide funding is still available. 


All new WSRF grants must be submitted via the CWCB Portal along with the current "Exhibit A (Statement of Work) and Budget & Schedule (Exhibit B)." 

Recent Updates to WSRF Program (January 2023)

Who can apply?

Eligible entities include:

  • Governmental entities – municipalities, special, water and sanitation, conservancy, conservations, irrigation and water activity enterprises, counties and State of Colorado agencies. Federal agencies are encouraged to work with local entities. Covered Entities as defined by Section 37-60-126, C.R.S., are eligible IF the applicant has adopted a CWCB approved Water Efficiency Plan.
  • Private entities – mutual ditch companies, non-profit corporations, individuals and partnerships, etc.
How can the money be used?

Eligible activities include: ­

  • Technical assistance regarding permitting, feasibility studies and environmental compliance.
  • Studies or analysis of structural, programmatic, consumptive and non-consumptive water projects or activities.
  • Design of structural projects or activities.
  • Infrastructure replacement or maintenance projects.
  • Activities that promote education, outreach, and innovation consistent with the mission and goals of the Colorado Water Plan. Note: Funding for education and outreach efforts can go through the PEPO Grant Program or apply through the Colorado Water Plan Grant Program.
How do I apply?
  1. Review the Water Supply Reserve Fund Grant Program Grant Guidelines (January 2023). Please contact the Basin Roundtable you are applying to (contact information is at the bottom of the page) and review their respective guidelines.
  2. Set up an account in the CWCB Portal. Please note that confirmation of registration may take 1-2 days and you will receive an email once your registration is approved.
  3. Submit the grant application via the CWCB Portal and upload the statement of work (Exhibit A), budget and schedule (Exhibit B). Please include maps/photos, designs, report, match commitment letters and other letters of support (PDF preferred). (A WSRF Calculator is available for applicants to use to check if their Basin+Statewide application meets the minimum match requirements)
  4. Obtain approval from the necessary basin roundtable.
  5. Work with CWCB staff to address any issues or additional needs prior to CWCB Board review.

Questions? View our Portal application How To Video

Forgot your Portal password or the password reset isn't working? Contact Carolyn Kemp at carolyn.kemp@state.co.us. Please allow 1-2 business days for assistance.

When is the deadline to apply?

Deadlines include October 1, December 1, February 1, April 1, June 1, and August 1 of each year.

Prior to submitting an application to CWCB, the applicant must receive written approval from the necessary basin roundtable. Applications will be reviewed during the Board Meeting three months after the submission deadline.


WSRF Basin Roundtable Criteria and Contact Information

 Roundtable Grant Contact Email Phone Roundtable 
 ArkansasGracy Goodwin  projects@uawcd.com 719-539-5425Guidelines
 ColoradoApril Longapril@coloradowatermark.com 970-920-5000Guidelines
 GunnisonTom Alvey tomalvey1957@gmail.com 970-712-4030Guidelines
 MetroSam Caulkins & Kim Gortz scalkins@cwsdhrmd.org & kgortz@csu.org  Guidelines
 North PlatteKari VanValkdenburgklboroff@gmail.com307-399-6799Guidelines
 Rio GrandeAmber Pachecoamber@rgwcd.org Guidelines
 South PlatteGarrett Varra gcvarra@gmail.com 720-272-2857Guidelines
 SouthwestEd Tolenetolen@laplawd.org 970-563-0320Guidelines
 Yampa/White/GreenFrank Alfonefrank@yampawhitegreen.com 970-819-5705Guidelines

Water Supply Reserve Fund and Public Education Participation & Outreach Grant Summary

January 2025

Annual Report


Point of Contact

Ben Wade
303-866-3441 x3238