Public Education, Participation, and Outreach Grant Program

The Public Education, Participation, and Outreach (PEPO) Grant Program - newly established in 2022 - provides grant funding in two categories: statewide education and outreach initiatives, as well as financial support for designated individual coordinators who support basin-specific outreach and education efforts alongside each of the state’s basin roundtables. All PEPO grant applications and requested funds  must be approved by one of the nine basin roundtables through a letter of support from the basin roundtable chair. Please read through the PEPO Grants Criteria & Guidelines and review the application entirely before applying. For questions on the PEPO grant application process, contact Elizabeth Schoder.

Below is an overview for each grant application process:

Basin Coordinator

Each of Colorado’s nine river basin roundtables may support an organization or individual to apply for grant funding of up to $25,000 to fund a single PEPO Coordinator. The PEPO coordinator’s primary task will be to coordinate with CWCB and the basin roundtable(s) in all education and outreach activities within their respective basin. This includes coordinating with CWCB prior to roundtable meetings and at up to three regular meetings per year in order to have the most up to date information on coordinated outreach efforts and grant fund balances. The basin coordinators are tasked with developing and implementing water education activities in the basin that support education and outreach efforts for public awareness around water issues and what the roundtables are working on. These efforts must be consistent with the Colorado Water Plan and their respective Basin Implementation Plan.

Statewide Initiatives

This grant category funds education and outreach-related initiatives that are focused either statewide or multi-basin. These efforts include but are not limited to advancing a single statewide effort, developing new initiatives of statewide importance, funding statewide awareness surveys, and developing education campaigns that can support public awareness efforts on water issues across the state. These efforts must demonstrate multi-basin support and must be aligned with CWCB priorities. The Colorado Water Plan serves as the main driver of the Statewide Initiatives funding category priorities noted in the PEPO Grant Criteria and Guidelines.

All new PEPO grants must be submitted through the CWCB Portal along with the current "Statements of Work (Exhibit A) and Budget & Schedule (Exhibit B)." 


Who can apply?

Eligible entities include governments, municipalities, districts, enterprises, and individuals. Federal agencies are encouraged to work with local entities.

For the Basin Coordinator fund, one point of contact acting as the fiscal agent should be listed for the basin coordinator position. The applicant must receive prior approval and support from a basin roundtable.

For more information about eligibility, review the Guidelines.

How can the money be used?
  • Basin Coordinator funds may be distributed to the individual or organization subcontractors approved by the basin roundtable with the intention of completing the tasks within the relevant scope of work as identified in the application. Applicants may use funds to cover both time and materials needed.
  • Statewide Initiatives can include a broad range of activities such as statewide water awareness surveys, statewide water education campaigns, statewide water education collateral and materials including videos, and statewide education related to the Colorado Water Plan.
How do I apply?
  1. Review the PEPO 2022 Grant Guidelines
  2. Create an account on the CWCB Portal. Please note that confirmation of registration may take 1-2 days and you will receive an email once your registration is approved.
  3. Submit the Grant Application via the CWCB Portal, and upload the statement of work, and budget and schedule in Word & Excel, no exceptions. Please upload any letters of support in PDF format.
  4. Obtain approval from the basin roundtable in which your activity will occur. Meeting dates and contact information are available on the various basin roundtable pages.

Please review the statement of work template (Exhibit A) and appendices with reference information (Word) and Budget schedule (Exhibit B) (Excel).

Work with CWCB staff to address any issues or additional needs prior to CWCB Board review.

For additional help, watch the grant application How To video.

When is the deadline to apply?

Deadlines are June 1 and December 1 of each year.

Basin Coordinator Fund

Please note only one application for the Basin Coordinator fund may be submitted per year, regardless of whether the full $25,000 per basin is utilized. Prior to submitting an application to CWCB, the applicant must have received written approval from the necessary basin roundtable.

Statewide Initiatives Fund

Projects that exceed $50,000 must go before the CWCB Board for approval, and will be reviewed at the September and March CWCB Board Meetings.


PEPO Grants Basin Roundtable Criteria and Contact Information

 Roundtable Grant Contact Email Phone Roundtable 
 Arkansas Gracy Goodwin  projects@uawcd.com 719-539-5425Guidelines
 Colorado April Longapril@rwapa.org  970-920-5000Guidelines
 Gunnison Tom Alvey mcf@wic.net  970-712-4030Guidelines
 Metro Lisa Darling (Temporary)lisadarling@southmetrowater.org 303-887-8789Guidelines
 North Platte Ty Wattenburg tnwattenburg@gmail.com 970-723-4660Guidelines
 Rio Grande Nathan Coombs cwcd1971@hotmail.com 719-588-3090Guidelines
 South Platte Garrett Varragcvarra@gmail.com 720-272-2857Guidelines
 Southwest Ed Tolen etolen@laplawd.org 970-563-0320Guidelines
 Yampa/White/Green Steve Hinkemeyer steve@yampawhitegreen.com 970-326-5050Guidelines




Point of Contact

Elizabeth Schoder
303-866-3441 x3210