Wild and Scenic Rivers Fund

View of a river from the Argentine Trail

In 2009, the Colorado General Assembly created the Wild and Scenic Rivers Fund to foster cooperative and collaborative processes aimed at the development of protections for river-dependent outstandingly remarkable values (“ORVs”). These protections would be intended as an alternative to wild and scenic river designation under the federal Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, while also protecting Colorado’s ability to fully use its compact and decree entitlements.

The Colorado Water Conservation Board created grant guidelines for the use of these funds by stakeholder groups working on alternative resource protection or considering development of alternatives to Wild and Scenic designation. Interested parties should read the grant guidelines and then contact staff with any follow up questions.

How to Apply?

1.    Review the Grant Guidelines
2.    Contact Brandy Logan (brandy.logan@state.co.us) and Andrew Rickert (Andrew.rickert@state.co.us) to discuss the applications
3.    Email applications to Brandy Logan and Andrew Rickert.


Example stakeholder groups that have used these funds:

Point of Contact

Brandy Logan
(720) 854-3241

Application Deadline

Grant proposals are accepted throughout the year.