Jackie Brown was appointed to the Colorado Water Conservation Board in 2019. She hails from the Yampa Valley in Northwest Colorado’s South Routt County. She holds a BA in History from the University of Colorado at Boulder and a Masters Certificate in Water Resources from Colorado State University.
Jackie has held various positions in the natural resources field, and is currently the water and natural resources policy advisor to Tri-State Generation & Transmission Association, a rural electric wholesale cooperative. In this role, Jackie is the legislative advisor on western water issues across the Colorado River Basin and federally while continuing Tri-State’s water stewardship and partnerships.
Jackie is the current chair of the Yampa White Green Basin Roundtable, and was an author of the Basin Implementation Plan. She has led efforts to create a sophisticated Yampa White Basin model, a Yampa River Integrated Water Management Plan, and has worked on the new Yampa Water Fund alongside The Nature Conservancy and other local stakeholders. Jackie also serves as the Energy Director on the Colorado Water Congress Board.
Ms. Brown is passionate about rural communities, books, and exploring public lands across the American West with her husband, son and dog.