IBCC Public Education, Participation & Outreach Workgroup

Kids Outside Looking at Mountains

Created through the Colorado Water for the 21st Century Act, the Interbasin Compact Committee (IBCC) Public Education, Participation and Outreach (PEPO) workgroup is responsible for: ­

  • Creating a process to inform, involve and educate the public on the IBCC’s activities and the progress of the interbasin compact negotiations; ­
  • Creating a mechanism by which public input and feedback can be relayed to the IBCC and compact negotiators; and ­
  • Educating IBCC and basin roundtable members about water issues.

PEPO workgroup members include IBCC representatives, education liaisons from each of the basin roundtables and other important members of the water education community. The CWCB works with the Colorado Foundation for Water Education , Colorado Watershed Assembly and the Colorado Water Center.

PEPO Activities and Projects

2022 State Water Awareness Survey

The Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) contracted with BBC Research & Consulting (BBC) in 2021-2022 to conduct and analyze a statewide survey of public opinions, attitudes and awareness about water in Colorado. This survey and study were, in part, an update to similar research conducted by BBC for the CWCB in 2012-2013.

Roundtable Survey

The PEPO workgroup conducted a basin roundtable survey to assess the educational needs of the basin roundtables. The results of the survey provide direction for the development and implementation of education and outreach programs. The statewide results provide important lessons:

  • The preferred methods of receiving information are interactive and collaborative in nature (e.g., presentations and joint meetings). ­
  • Many members feel their basin roundtable is less than sufficiently effective at promoting public participation in the roundtable process. ­
  • There are six areas of lowest water knowledge – water quality regulation, river restoration, drought planning, groundwater hydrology, climate variability and interstate compacts. ­
  • Roundtable members are generally satisfied with the roundtable process and are now eager to make progress toward solutions. As members identify new approaches to meet future water supplies, a vibrant education program is fundamental to help move the entire roundtable process forward with solutions-oriented educational programs.
Education Action Plans

Each basin roundtable has an education and outreach committee, which is responsible for creating Education Action Plans. The action plans detail the educational goals and tasks that each basin roundtable engage the public in the work of the roundtables and some identify activities to educate the roundtable membership on important water issues. Basin roundtables may apply for funds from the CWCB for implementation of their Education Action Plans.

Download a basin roundtable education action plan by clicking on it in the section to the right.


Point of Contact

Elizabeth Schoder
303-866-3441 x3210

Basin Roundtable Education Action Plans