Projects Bill Grants

Projects Bill Grants (formerly Non-Reimbursable Project Investments) are CWCB Board authorized state-wide investments for regional supply needs that do not fit within other CWCB grant programs. Grants also require approval by the General Assembly. Matching funds are typically required, and the amount of funding can vary annually, but is generally between $1 million - $10 million.

Point of Contact

Kirk Russell
303-866-3441 x3232

Application Deadline

August 1

Projects Bill Grant FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions 

Who can apply for a Grant?

Any private or public entity that can contract with the state and that can establish and document the need for the project. You are encouraged to contact Kirk Russell, 303-866-3441 x3232, to determine if your project or study qualifies for funding

How can the money be used?

Projects eligible for the Projects Bill Grant Program include:

Projects, programs or studies of statewide impact or importance, such as: ­

  • Administration of compact-entitled waters; ­
  • Facilitation of solutions to regional water supply problems; ­
  • Addressing federal water rights issues; ­
  • Recovery or conservation of threatened or endangered species within riparian ecosystems; ­
  • Development and management of a state monitoring system for collection and development of hydrologic and climatologic data; and ­
  • River restoration and floodplain management projects affecting agriculture, recreation or other industries that economically impact significant areas of the state.

Feasibility studies and demonstration projects designed to answer questions related to statewide water issues or that have significant potential to result in a CWCB Water Project Loan.

Examples of projects appropriate for a Projects Bill Grant:

  • Funding for the non-federal cost-share funding for the Frying Pan-Arkansas project (Arkansas Valley Conduit) to provide quality drinking water to six counties in the lower Arkansas Valley.
  • Republican River Compact compliance efforts - provided matching cash incentives to producers to reduce irrigation/facilitate land retirement within the South Fork of the Republican River to meet compact compliance obligations as outlined in a Resolution and subsequent Amendment approved by the Republican River Compact Administration.
  • Windy Gap Bypass Project - Construction of a connectivity channel around Windy Gap Reservoir on the Colorado River near the confluence of the Fraser River. Reconnecting the River and its habitat while maintaining Windy Gap Dam and pump plant operations. The project creates fish passage and is expected to significantly improve aquatic habitat conditions.

Examples of projects typically inappropriate for a Projects Bill Grant:

  • Water Treatment type projects
  • Projects that can be completed without additional state grant funding
  • Projects that can be funded by Water Supply Reserve Fund (WSRF) and Water Plan Grants to significantly improve aquatic habitat conditions.


How do I apply for a Grant?

How do I apply for a Grant? 

Before you apply, have you:

  • Ensured your project funding request falls within the funding range of $1 - $10 million?
  • First checked to see if your project can be funded with a standard Water Plan Grant or Water Supply Reserve Fund Grant?
  • Vetted your project goals to ensure your funding request covers basin-wide or regional supply needs?
  • Approved grant funding is available approximately one year after the application deadline.

Contact Kirk Russell, 303-866-3441 x3232, to determine if your project or study qualifies for funding.

  1. CWCB Portal Registration (Start Here) *Please note that confirmation of registration may take 1-2 business days and you will receive an email once your registration is approved. Forgotten your Portal password or the password reset isn't working? Contact Carolyn Kemp at carolyn.kemp@state.co.us. Please allow 1-2 business days for assistance.
  2. Application (via CWCB Portal)

Application Deadline: August 1

What is the approval process after I have submitted an application?
  1. The CWCB Finance Subcommittee reviews applications in September and recommends approval of funding to the entire CWCB Board at the bi-monthly November Board meeting.
  2. Applicants may be asked to present their grant request to the committee and also at the November meeting, if necessary.
  3. Once approved by the Board, the grant is written into the CWCB Water Projects Bill, which is introduced to the Legislature in January.
  4. The Legislature authorizes expenditures by approval of the CWCB Water Projects Bill in May.
  5. Funds are then available around July 1 if an executed contract is in place.


Example projects


Shoshone Water Right Permanency

The Shoshone Hydro Plant is located on the Colorado River east of Glenwood Springs. It holds the most senior, and influential water right on the Colorado River and provides flows for fish listed under the Endangered Species Act and recreational economies. The Colorado River Water Conservation District is leading the effort to permanently preserve the Shoshone flows during times when the Shoshone Hydro Plant is not operating.

Project Data Sheet

Augmentation Project

The Central Colorado Water Conservancy District and its two subdistricts operate augmentation plans and develop mostly agricultural water supplies in the Weld County area. The Project consists of pipelines, canals, wells, and recharge sites to move water to augment stream depletions.

Project Data Sheet

Arkansas Valley Conduit

The project will help fund the delivery of clean drinking water to 50,000 people in 40 communities in southeastern Colorado. Domestic wells in the Arkansas River watershed east of Pueblo are contaminated by naturally occurring radioactive materials and high levels of salinity, nitrates and selenium.  

Project Data Sheet