Municipal Water Efficiency Plan Guidance Document

Municipal Water Efficiency Plan Guidance Document 

The Water Conservation Act of 2004 (HB04-1365) requires all covered entities (retail water providers that sell 2,000 acre-feet (AF) or more on an annual basis) to have a state approved water efficiency plan containing certain required minimum plan elements. This Municipal Water Efficiency Plan Guidance Document (Guidance Document) is an update to the Water Conservation Plan Development Guidance Document developed in 2005. The Guidance Document serves as a reference tool for water providers and local governments throughout the State of Colorado (State) for developing State approved local water efficiency plans.  

Section Title
   Full Report
   Table of Contents
1  Introduction to the Municipal Water Efficiency Plan Guidance Document
2  Overview of Water Efficiency Planning
3  Role of the State in Water Efficiency Planning

 Steps to Water Efficiency Planning

5  Public Stakeholder Involvement
6  Water Efficiency Plan Template 
7  References
Appendix A

 Worksheet Instructions

Appendix B  State Policy
Addendum  Best Practices for Implementing Water Conservation & Demand   Management Through Land Use Planning Efforts  


Sample Municipal Water Efficiency Plan

The Sample Municipal Water Efficiency Plan is a complementary resource to the Guidance Document, both developed by the CWCB. These documents, in conjunction with the water conservation and efficiency information and resources on CWCB’s website, serve as reference tools that water providers and local governments throughout the state may use to develop local water efficiency plans.


Point of Contact

Kevin Reidy