News Articles

Interactive Colorado Water Supply Tool Illuminates Statewide Water Needs Through 2050

DENVER, CO – With more frequent, severe drought, many are looking for better ways to address water supply and storage as climate change alters life in Colorado and the West. The newly released Colorado Water Plan provides a framework for helping Colorado meet its water challenges through water conservation and collaborative action around water development.

Colorado River States Submit a Consensus-Based Modeling Alternative to Bureau of Reclamation

Six states reach consensus on criteria for environmental review to help protect lakes Powell and Mead


January 30, 2023 – States sharing the Colorado River submitted a letter to the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) that outlines a Consensus-Based Modeling Alternative for Reclamation to evaluate and incorporate into its development of a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) to revise current Operating Guidelines (’07 Guidelines) for Glen Canyon Dam at Lake Powell and Hoover Dam at Lake Mead.

2023 Colorado Water Plan Will Inspire Action to Build Stronger Water Future

DENVER - On January 24, 2023, to meet Colorado’s most critical water challenges, the Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) unanimously approved the finalized the 2023 Colorado Water Plan. First released in 2015, the Water Plan provides a comprehensive framework to guide collaborative action from water partners, agencies, and Coloradans.

Colorado Water Plan Draft Released for Public Comment Period

The Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) – the state’s agency that works to conserve, develop, protect and manage Colorado's water for present and future generations – released a draft of the 2023 Colorado Water Plan for a 90-day public comment period.

Senate Confirms Colorado Water Conservation Board Appointments

The Colorado Senate officially confirmed Paul Bruchez to serve as the Colorado Water Conservation Board (Board) Colorado River Basin representative during a hearing today. Additionally, Directors Jessica Brody and Jackie Brown were confirmed for reappointments to the Board for their second terms.


The Colorado Water Conservation Board mission is to conserve, develop, protect and manage Colorado’s water for present and future generations.

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Colorado Water Conservation Board  |  1313 Sherman Street, Room 718  |  Denver, CO 80203  |  (303) 866-3441

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