News Articles

Colorado Water Plan Celebrates 5th Anniversary

Over the past five years since the launch of the Colorado Water Plan, it was seen great success. Through the Water Plan Grant Program, Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) has supported a variety of projects across the state, which have supported the goals and objectives of the Water Plan and made progress on more than 65% of the Plan’s critical actions.

Platte River Recovery Implementation Program Extended 13 Years

A victory for wildlife and Colorado water, Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt, Colorado Governor Jared Polis, and the Governors of Nebraska and Wyoming signed a Cooperative Agreement to extend the Platte River Recovery Implementation Program with $156 million.

Coordinated Releases for Endangered Fish Begin

LAKEWOOD, Colo. – 2019 has been a wet year for Colorado. Increased snowpack and the resulting snowmelt runoff into the Upper Colorado River has ensured most river reservoirs are at a surplus. As a result, today participants in the Coordinated Reservoirs Operations (CROS) program will initiate a series of water releases to the Colorado River upstream of Grand Junction, Colorado. This portion of the river is critical to the survival of four endangered fish including the humpback chub, razorback sucker, bonytail chub, and the Colorado pikeminnow.


The Colorado Water Conservation Board mission is to conserve, develop, protect and manage Colorado’s water for present and future generations.

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Colorado Water Conservation Board  |  1313 Sherman Street, Room 718  |  Denver, CO 80203  |  (303) 866-3441

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