News Articles

Colorado Establishes Water Equity Task Force

Colorado Governor Jared Polis and Dan Gibbs, Executive Director, Colorado Department of Natural Resources announced today the establishment of a Water Equity Task Force to better understand existing equity, diversity and inclusivity (EDI) challenges in Colorado water issues and inform the Colorado Water Plan.

Demand Management Concepts Floated, Colorado Moves Forward with Investigation

During the Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) Meeting on January 25, an update on the current and ongoing Demand Management Feasibility Investigation was presented, including reiteration of the state’s guiding principles and the first steps of potential framework concepts for what a program could look like.


The Colorado Water Conservation Board mission is to conserve, develop, protect and manage Colorado’s water for present and future generations.

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Colorado Water Conservation Board  |  1313 Sherman Street, Room 718  |  Denver, CO 80203  |  (303) 866-3441

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