Arkansas Basin Roundtable

Upcoming Basin Roundtable Meeting:

August 14, 2024
10:30AM - 3:30PM

View Details

The Arkansas Basin has seen robust growth over the past few years. Home to two large cities – Colorado Springs and Pueblo – the Arkansas Basin has seen an increase in competition for the same scarce water resources. As a result of this urban growth, there has been an increase in the transfer of water from agricultural use to municipal and industrial (M&I) uses.

Following the South Platte Basin, the Arkansas Basin is projected to experience the largest increase in M&I water demand by 2050, requiring an increase of between 141,000 AF and 195,000 acre feet (AF) with passive conservation included. 

Visit the Arkansas BRT Website


  • Maintain agricultural viability in the lower basin
  • Provide for in-basin augmentation in the upper basin
  • Provide for adequate water quality to meet all needs
  • Ensure adequate water for future needs:
    • M&I
    • Agricultural
    • Environmental
    • Recreational



Monthly on 2nd Wednesday in Pueblo


ChairMark Shea 

Vice-Chairs: Steve Kastner and Bob Hamel  

IBCC Representatives: Terry Scanga and Jeris Danielson 

Recorder: Al Tucker

Roundtable Governance

There are currently 49 voting members of the Arkansas BRT

Member List

Basin By-laws 

Recent Roundtable Meetings 

Meeting Date

Meeting Materials

June 2024
May 2024
April 2024
March 2024

Contact the Arkansas BRT

Colorado Water Conservation Board
1313 Sherman Street, Room 718
Denver, CO 80203
Chairperson: Mark Shea


WSRF Contact: Gracy Goodwin
Phone #: 719-539-5425