South Platte Basin Roundtable

The South Platte Basin Roundtable covers approximately 22,000 square miles in northeast Colorado. The largest cities in the roundtable area are Boulder, Fort Collins, Longmont and Greeley. The projected population in 2050 is estimated to almost double in size to between 1.9 and 2.6 million people.

Nearly two-thirds of the increase in the state gross municipal and industrial (M&I) demand by 2030 – or approximately 324,000 acre feet (AF) to 467,000 AF with passive conservation included – will be in the overall South Platte Basin (a combination of the South Platte Basin Roundtable and the Metro Roundtable areas).

Visit the Metro/South Platte Basins Roundtable Website

Upcoming Basin Roundtable Meeting:

August 13, 2024
4:00-7:00 pm

View Details


  • Address potential impacts of agricultural transfers and finding alternatives to permanent agricultural dry-up
  • Address agricultural supply shortages for both surface and groundwater users
  • Identify opportunities to optimize existing and future water supply infrastructure
  • Successfully implement endangered species program to protect existing and future in-basin uses
  • Develop new water storage facilities
  • Ensure adequate water for future needs
    • M&I
    • Agricultural
    • Environmental
    • Recreational


Meetings Monthly, on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, usually in Longmont at the Southwest Weld County Building.

ChairSean Chambers

Vice-Chairs: Lynda James and Jim Hall

IBCC Representatives: Sean Cronin and Jim Yahn

Recorder: Diane Kielty 

Roundtable Governance

There are currently 39 voting members of the South Platte BRT

Member List

Basin By-laws - Revised November 2013

Recent Roundtable Meetings 

Meeting DateMeeting Materials
June 2024Minutes
May 2024Minutes
April 2024Minutes
March 2024Minutes

Contact the South Platte BRT

Colorado Water Conservation Board
1313 Sherman Street, Room 721
Denver, CO 80203 

Chairperson: Sean Chambers

WSRF Contact: Garrett Varra
Phone #: 720-272-2857
or 303-709-9284