Yampa-White-Green Basin Roundtable

The Yampa-White-Green Basin covers roughly 10,500 square miles in northwest Colorado and south-central Wyoming. The largest cities or towns in the basin are Steamboat Springs (pop. 10,402) and Craig (pop. 9,185).

This basin is projected to increase in municipal and industrial (M&I) water demand between 23,000 acre feet (AF) and 39,000 AF by 2050 with passive conservation included.

Visit the Yampa-White-Green Basin Roundtable Website

Upcoming Basin Roundtable Meeting:

May 14, 2025
6:00pm - 9:00pm

View Details


  • Address potential energy development needs
  • Ensure endangered species’ needs do not negatively impact future in-basin uses
  • Address compact delivery impacts to existing and future in-basin water rights
  • Address potential agricultural firming needs
  • Ensure adequate water for future needs
    • M&I
    • Agricultural
    • Environmental
    • Recreational



Bi-monthly starting in January


Chair: Alden Vanden Brink

Vice-Chairs: Tim Winkler

IBCC Representatives: Jeff Meyer and Ken Brenner

Recorder: Katie Camblin

Roundtable Governance

There are currently 26 voting members of the Yampa/White BRT

Member List

Basin By-laws

Yampa River Beaver by Dustin Doskocil, CPW

Recent Roundtable Meetings 

Meeting Date Meeting Materials
January 2025Minutes
November 2024Minutes
September 2024Minutes
July 2024Minutes

Contact the Yampa-White-Green BRT

Chairperson: Steve Hinkemeyer

WSRF Contact: Frank Alfone