Rio Grande Basin Roundtable

Upcoming Basin Roundtable Meeting:

April 8, 2025

2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

View Details

The Rio Grande Basin encompasses approximately 8,000 square miles, including the San Luis Valley. This high mountain valley extends approximately 90 miles from north to south and 50 miles from east to west. Water in the Rio Grande Basin is currently over appropriated (and has been since the 1890s). All of the waters of the Rio Grande and Conejos River and their tributaries are subject to the terms of the Rio Grande Compact. The Valley’s groundwater resources have been over drafted and the areas face depleted groundwater levels throughout much of the basin. By 2050, a total shortfall of 180,000 acre feet (AF) is expected, of which 160,000 AF is the agricultural groundwater shortage to be addressed by pending SEO rules and regulations and fallowing land via the Groundwater Sub-district.

Visit the Rio Grande Basin Roundtable Website


  • Achieve sustainable aquifers through better management and reduction of groundwater pumping
  • Explore augmentation for growth in South Fork and other areas
  • Regulate compact deliveries to minimize curtailment
  • Ensure adequate water for future needs
    • M&I
    • Agricultural
    • Environmental
    • Recreational
    • Augmentation for growth


MeetingsMonthly on the 2nd Tuesday in Alamosa
The Executive Committee meets at 1p.m. prior to the meeting.

Chair: Amber Pacheco

Vice-Chair: Kevin Terry

IBCC Representatives: Kevin Terry, Cary Aloia

Recorder: Nikita Cooper

Roundtable Governance

There are currently 31 voting members of the Rio Grande BRT

Member List

Basin By-laws

Recent Roundtable Meetings 

Meeting  Date

Meeting Materials

February 2025Minutes
January 2025Minutes
December 2024Minutes
November 2024Minutes

Contact the Rio Grande BRT

Chairperson and WSRF Contact: Amber Pacheco