North Platte Basin Roundtable

The North Platte Basin is located in north central Colorado in Jackson County and a small portion of Larimer County. The basin covers an area of roughly 2,050 square miles and has a population of 1,491. The largest town in the basin is Walden with a population of 727 people.

The North Platte is Colorado’s only basin with concern over lack of growth and economic development. The North Platte Basin is projected to increase in municipal and industrial (M&I) water demand between 200 acre feet (AF) and 300 AF by 2050 with passive conservation included.


  • Continue to ensure an adequate water supply for irrigated agriculture
  • Explore forest management, e.g., large scale beetle kill impacts on water supply
  • Ensure successful implementation of endangered species program to protect existing and future in-basin uses


MeetingsMonthly on 4th Tuesday in Walden

Chair: Kari VanValkenberg 

IBCC Representative: Kari VanValkenberg

Recorder: Aleigh Aurin

Roundtable Governance

There are currently 14 voting members of the North Platte BRT

Member List

Basin By-laws 

Upcoming Basin Roundtable Meeting:



Recent Roundtable Meetings 

Meeting Date Meeting Materials
September 2024Minutes
March 2024Minutes
October 2023Minutes
May 2023Minutes

Contact the North Platte BRT

Chairperson and WSRF Contact: Kari VanValkenberg